Cancer that attacks the organs of the body begins from cell mutations that cause its growth to become uncontrolled until then doubled. Experts still can not confirm the cause of these cell mutations. However, the interaction between lifestyle, derivative and environmental conditions is alleged to be a factor that triggers cancer.

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Although the exact cause of mesothelioma is unknown, the major risk factor of mesothelioma is asbestos. This disease is relatively rare before the use of asbestos commercially commenced. Asbestos is a mineral used as a material for making brakes, floors, roofs, and insulation.

Asbestos dust that is inhaled or swallowed will accumulate in the lungs and abdomen for a long time, usually around 20-50 years, before it eventually develops into mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is also more commonly diagnosed in men than in women, and in people over 65 years of age.

Some other factors that can trigger this disease, namely:

  • The environment where the soil contains asbestos.
  • Living in an area or living with someone who has a job related to exposure to Asbestos can also stick to the skin and clothing so as to bring the asbestos into the house or other environment.
  • Ever exposed to asbestos or have family members suffering from mesothelioma.