There are several steps of mesothelioma treatment that may be recommended by doctors. The selected treatment plan will depend on the condition of the disease, the stage of the cancer, and the general health of the patient. But considering mesothelioma is a cancer that can not be cured and generally new can be detected at an advanced stage, then the treatment step is more aimed at reducing the symptoms felt by the patient.

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While there are several treatment options for pleural and abdominal mesothelioma, it is the case with pericardial and tunica vaginalis mesothelioma that have not been treated because it is considered more rare. However, cancers that are still at an early stage can be removed through surgery or the patient can still through other treatments to reduce the symptoms.

Here are some common mesothelioma treatment steps:


Chemotherapy is a drug used to shrink or inhibit cancer growth. This drug can spread to all parts of the body and can be used before surgery or after surgery. In the case of peritoneal mesothelioma, the drug can be heated and given directly into the abdominal cavity in order not to hurt healthy tissue in other body parts. This allows the dose of chemotherapy drugs to be given in high doses.

Chemotherapy given before undergoing surgical procedure can facilitate surgery because cancer cells have been minimized before they are removed. Chemotherapy given after surgery will reduce the risk of cancer reappearing.


Radiotherapy may be performed after surgical procedures to eradicate leftover cancer cells or reduce symptoms of advanced cancer when surgery is not possible. In its application, this therapy uses high-energy jets, such as X-rays and proton light, which are focused on specific body areas.


Surgery is performed to remove the cancer that is generally still in the early stages of disease progression, although in some cases still can not successfully remove cancer cells completely. Surgery can also be done to reduce the symptoms of advanced cancer that has spread to other body parts in order to reduce symptoms suffered. Here are some commonly performed surgery options and their use for mesothelioma sufferers.

  • Operating procedure to remove as much as possible cancer cells that can be removed from the patient's body. This procedure allows the doctor to continue treatment with radiotherapy to reduce pain and prevent excessive fluid accumulation due to mesothelioma.
  • Operating procedures to reduce fluid buildup in the chest area that may interfere with breathing. The surgery is done by inserting a catheter tube into the chest to suck fluid. Doctors can also inject drugs to prevent recurrence of fluid buildup, also known as pleurodesis procedures.
  • Surgical removal of tissue around the abdominal cavity, ribs, or lungs that have been exposed to cancer cells to help reduce the symptoms and signs of mesothelioma.
  • Surgical removal of affected lung portions following adjacent tissues to relieve symptoms in pleural mesothelioma patients. This procedure is usually followed by high-dose radiotherapy.
Multimodality therapy
This therapy is a combination of three or more treatment steps, such as surgery, postoperative chemotherapy (adjuvant chemotherapy), and radiation therapy to enlarge the success rate of treatment.

Alternative medicine

Alternative treatment has not been clinically proven to treat mesothelioma, but some of these treatments have shown good development in mesothelioma patients. Here are related healing techniques.

  • Respiratory exercise to control breathing when the patient begins to feel breathless.
  • Relaxation exercises of the body, especially the respiratory muscles, can also make it easier for people to breathe lightly.
  • Sitting close to the fan facing the face can reduce the sensation of difficulty breathing felt by the patient.
  • Acupuncture.
Discuss alternative treatment steps that you choose with your doctor before you start using it.
Complementary or other supplementary treatment may be recommended by a physician to reduce mesothelioma symptoms. Additional treatments, such as oxygen or certain medications, may help the patient breathe more comfortably since mesothelioma can cause pressure in the chest that may interfere with breathing.

Clinical trial

Some clinical trials are generally available and informed in patients with cancer, but the possibility of healing remains uncertain so it is important to consider carefully. Talk to your doctor about existing clinical trials and if appropriate for the condition of the patient. On the other hand, following a clinical trial will increase the chance for doctors to find treatment against mesothelioma.

Here are some clinical trials that are being studied for mesothelioma conditions:

  • Biological therapy - using the patient's immune system to fight cancer, also called immunotherapy.
  • Gene therapy - alters the genes present in cancer cells to stop the disease.
  • Therapy uses drugs to attack abnormalities / abnormalities that occur in cancer cells.
The examination will begin with anamnesa about the symptoms suffered, personal and family medical history. Anamnesa is a conversation performed by the doctor to the patient directly as a way to get data about the condition and medical problems that are being experienced by the patient. In addition to anamnesa, the doctor will perform a physical examination to check for lumps or other abnormal signs.

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Furthermore, the doctor may instruct the investigation to be performed as part of the disease diagnosis. Common checks are performed to diagnose mesothelioma, including X-rays to check if there is a chest disorder and a CT scan to check the chest and abdominal area.

Biopsies or other tests may also be performed to determine which illness causes the symptoms to appear. A biopsy is a laboratory examination of a small amount of tissue that can be taken from different parts of the body, depending on the location of the illness. The tissue is then examined in the laboratory to determine what cell types cause abnormalities, as well as to know the type of cancer they have. As for some types of biopsy that may be recommended for the diagnosis of mesothelioma, namely:

  • The biopsy uses a small fine needle to pull a sample of tissue or fluid from the chest or abdomen.
  • Laparoscopy - Biopsy by making small wedges in the abdominal area to take tissue. This procedure is aided by very small operation and camera devices.
  • Laparotomy - Biopsy by dissecting open the abdomen to take tissue to be checked for the presence of disease or other abnormalities.
  • Torakoskopi or VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery) - Biopsy by making a small wedge between the ribs to insert a camera and a small operation device into the chest cavity and take a small sample of the tissue to be examined.
  • Torakotomy - Biopsy by dissecting an area between the ribs to examine the area, whether there are signs of illness and taking tissue samples if necessary.
Once the diagnosis is obtained, the doctor will conduct further tests on the patient's body, such as MRI imaging tests and PET mapping, to determine the stage of the disease and treatment steps that can be taken. There are four levels (stage) in pleural mesothelioma, while the stage of spread in mesothelioma other types of more rare is still not known with certainty. Four stages of pleural mesothelioma consist of:
  • Stage I - The condition of cancer is still local, ie only in one area on one chest layer.
  • Stage II - The cancer has spread beyond the chest to the area of ​​the lung or diaphragm.
  • Stage III - Cancer has spread to other areas of the chest or has attacked the nearest lymph nodes. Some of the locations of the lymph nodes in humans are in the neck, underarms, and around the groin,
  • Stage IV - Advanced stage cancer that has spread throughout the chest or other body areas, such as brain and liver.
Symptoms of mesothelioma may vary based on where the cancer cells are located. Pericardial mesothelioma may cause chest pain and difficulty breathing, while mesothelioma tunica vaginalis will show symptoms of swelling of the testicles.
Pleural mesothelioma has the following symptoms:

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  • Cough accompanied by unbearable pain.
  • Shortness of breath due to the buildup of fluid in the chest.
  • Unusual lumps on the tissue behind the skin of the chest.
  • Weight loss for no apparent reason.
  • Often overcome with excessive fatigue.
  • Fever accompanied by sweat especially at night.
  • Swollen fingertips.
  • Chest pain that feels under the ribs.
Peritoneal mesothelioma has the following symptoms:
  • Pain in the abdominal area.
  • There is a lump in the abdominal tissue.
  • Swelling in the abdominal area.
  • Weight loss without cause.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
Given the symptoms of mesothelioma are not specific and can be associated with other conditions, then you should see your doctor immediately feel the symptoms above, especially if there is a history of exposure to asbestos.
Cancer that attacks the organs of the body begins from cell mutations that cause its growth to become uncontrolled until then doubled. Experts still can not confirm the cause of these cell mutations. However, the interaction between lifestyle, derivative and environmental conditions is alleged to be a factor that triggers cancer.

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Although the exact cause of mesothelioma is unknown, the major risk factor of mesothelioma is asbestos. This disease is relatively rare before the use of asbestos commercially commenced. Asbestos is a mineral used as a material for making brakes, floors, roofs, and insulation.

Asbestos dust that is inhaled or swallowed will accumulate in the lungs and abdomen for a long time, usually around 20-50 years, before it eventually develops into mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is also more commonly diagnosed in men than in women, and in people over 65 years of age.

Some other factors that can trigger this disease, namely:

  • The environment where the soil contains asbestos.
  • Living in an area or living with someone who has a job related to exposure to Asbestos can also stick to the skin and clothing so as to bring the asbestos into the house or other environment.
  • Ever exposed to asbestos or have family members suffering from mesothelioma.
Cancer has become one of the global diseases of late. The more people who have cancer, making many people also want to know the various types of cancer that may threaten their health, one of which is mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is one of the rare lung cancer, but the most dangerous and deadly that usually occurs in the membrane around the lungs, called the pleura. The main cause of cancer that attacks lung cells called mesothelium is exposure to asbestos dust.

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Asbestos can take the form of roof boards, minerals, fibers and various preparations asbestos products can cause dust and inhaled along with air. Usually this happens in industrial environments, construction sites, carpentry and building materials stores. When asbestos fibers and dust are inhaled into the lungs, then the dust will stop inside the lungs.

If you continue to inhale asbestos dust, then the dust will gather and settle in the lungs. This is the cause of cancer and the risk will increase if you are an active smoker or have a family history of cancer patients.

Cancer will be very lethal because the average survival time for malignant mesothelioma or mesothelioma cancer ranges from 4 to 18 months, and about 10 percent of patients live at least five years after being diagnosed.

Clinical symptoms that occur in mesothelioma are:

  • Dyspnea and nonpleuritic chest wall pain are the most common symptoms of malignant mesothelioma, (Approximately 60-90% of patients experience symptoms of chest pain or dyspnea.)
  • In patients with malignant mesothelioma, physical findings of pleural effusion are usually known by percussion and auscultation.
  • In rare cases, malignant mesothelioma manifests as cord compression, brachial plexopathy, Horner syndrome, or superior vena cava syndrome. Death is usually caused by an infection or respiratory failure from the development of mesothelioma.
  • The main areas that often occur in the pleura (87%), peritoneum (5.1%), and pericardium (0.4%).

Mesothelioma er en sjelden form for kreft, men den mest dødelige av alle. Mesothelioma ofrene er menn og kvinner som ikke vet at de hadde blitt forgiftet med asbest som de jobbet. Produsenter og distributører selv visste i flere tiår at asbest er farlig, men de gjorde ikke advare folk i fare. Som et resultat, har du rett til utvinning mot disse produsentene, som på den annen side kan bidra til å betale for medisinske utgifter og erstatning for tort og svie.

Selv om det er egentlig ikke i stand til å kompensere for tap av helse eller liv, mesothelioma advokater skal få kompensasjon du fortjener. Hvis ditt liv har blitt påvirket av mesothelioma direkte eller indirekte, så du kan være kvalifisert for kompensasjon.

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Mesothelioma søksmålet er en lang og langtekkelig prosess. Så det er veldig viktig i ditt tilfelle at du finner en erfaren mesothelioma advokat, og så snart du har blitt diagnostisert med kreft. De fleste stater har en frist der du kan sende inn ditt mesothelioma søksmålet. Hvis du går glipp av fristen, kan du oppleve at du ikke har rett til å gjøre et krav. Tidligere du hadde en mesothelioma advokat, jo bedre sjansene dine for å lykkes. Her er noen viktige retningslinjer i å finne en god mesothelioma advokat.

"Mesothelioma advokatfirma" -Ingen slikt som en mesothelioma advokatfirma fordi man advokatfirma kan håndtere en rekke tilfeller, men det er best å velge et advokatfirma eller en advokat som har erfaring håndtere mesothelioma tilfeller. De har gjort beinet arbeidet og fått kunnskap og erfaring med mesothelioma. Men ikke se bort fra noe annet advokatfirma. Tilfeller av mesothelioma er som alle andre tilfeller som krever ansvar og disiplin av en advokat for å vinne din sak. Advokatfirma med et utmerket rykte kan også håndtere mesothelioma tilfelle om ikke bedre.

Leter du etter mesothelioma advokat -Du kan starte søket på Internett eller i de gule sidene. Imidlertid vil lokale eller staten Advokatforening, og Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory (finnes på de fleste Public Library) gi deg en smal Finn og hjelpe deg å finne din mesothelioma advokat er mye raskere. Martindale-Hubbell juridiske nettverket har en database med mer enn én million advokater og advokatfirmaer i 160 land. Denne tjenesten evaluerer jurister basert på fagfellevurderinger. Deres nettsted har en locator tjenesten hjelper advokat og vil forklare rangeringssystem.

Hvordan du velger din mesothelioma advokat vet -Oklahoma Advokatforeningen har utarbeidet retningslinjer for å velge en advokat kjempefint. De uttalte at "å velge en advokat er en personlig sak. Du må vurdere en bestemt advokat vil være best for deg. Før beslutningen, men kan det være lurt å ta kontakt med flere advokater eller advokatfirmaer til å samle litt sammenligningsinformasjon.

Når du velger en advokat, må du huske praktiske hensyn: advokat område av kompetanse, erfaring og omdømme, bekvemmelighet kontor, mengden og lengden av tid i tilfelle det kan være nødvendig. Advokat kommunikasjonsevner er en annen faktor. Vilje og evne til å snakke med deg på et språk du forstår og svarer på dine spørsmål vil påvirke hvor godt informert deg om fremdriften i saken.

Det er foreslått at du velger en advokat som du føler deg komfortabel. Disse innstillingene kan veilede deg i å velge noen som du føler deg mest komfortabel.

Det er viktig at du stoler på advokaten du leie - og at du tror han vil gjøre en best mulig jobb i å beskytte dine rettigheter. Men husk at de fleste søksmål og andre juridiske arbeidet ikke er "sure ting." Du bør være forsiktig med en advokat som garanterer resultater. Advokater kan ikke forventes å vinne hver sak, og noen ganger den beste juridiske råd er kanskje ikke akkurat det du vil høre. "

Den nøyaktige prosessen å velge en mesothelioma advokat og riktig filing et søksmål mesothelioma Du kan gjøre hele forskjellen mellom en multi-million dollar erstatningskrav for å sikre familiens fremtid (når og hvis du tapt), og får ingenting i det hele tatt for smerte, lidelse og tap av liv.